Thursday, August 14, 2008

Early Test for Cancer Isnt Always Best Course - New York Times


Early Test for Cancer Isnt Always Best Course
New York Times - Aug 11, 2008
By TARA PARKER-POPE For years patients have been told that early cancer detection saves lives. Find the cancer before the symptoms appear, the thinking goes, and youve got a better chance natural caffeine powder beating the disease.
One in 5 Young Men Had Prostate Screen in Past Year U.S. News & World Report
One in five young men checked for prostate cancer Reuters
Boston Globe - eFluxMedia - Crothersville Times - London Free Press
all 118 news articles

Menopol, Promensil, Prevedia and Clonidine are the different medicines that are used to remedy the discomfort faced by the women who experience pre menopausal symptoms. Except Clonidine all other medicines that we are now going to compare belong to non prescription natural nutritional supplements. These medicines do not contain any harsh chemicals that may invite side buy bulk dmae-bitartrate or chemical reactions.

Menopol, Promensil and Prevedia use only hundred percent natural herbal extracts in their making. natural caffeine can be used safely by any one who feels the discomforts such as hot flushing and mood variations with out worrying about the side effects that are commonly associated with a chemically generated medicine such as Clonidine. Once you start taking Clonidine, stopping it suddenly may result in severely high blood pressure and various other complications associated with it.

Prevedia from Nutrica is an all natural remedy to be used to cure the pre menopausal symptoms. It will help you to stabilise the hormonal imbalance that appear in women who face menopause. Near to 60% of the consumers of this medicine express their satisfaction in using this medicine to over come the difficulties during their pre menopausal period.

Premensil also is a safe medicine to be used by the women who face the annoying symptoms of menopause. It does not contain any artificial ingredients to keep the health of the woman who consumes it at risk. The natural ingredients in premensil are found to be good in keeping the natural balance of the hormones in the body of the woman who undergoes the discomforts associated with the menopause. Still the response from the consumers of premensil is not that positive to rate it as the best among the medicines that are available to cure the symptoms associated with pre menopausal period.

Menopol is another natural nutritional supplement meant to be used by the women experiencing the pre menopausal symptoms. The perfect blend of the natural ingredients in Menopol make it the most popular and the most wanted medicine among all other medicines used for the same purpose.

Menopol contains only the extracts of the most effective herbs that are proved to be effective in treating the symptoms associated with menopause. The powerful natural herb extracts in Menopol are found to be very effective in supporting the hormonal balance of the female body. The positive benefits of using Menopol to over come the problems associated with menopause include the increase in sex drive and optimum bone health of the body.

For more information on Menopol go to Menopol or Menopol Review

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